VDT Solution is the one source for ergonomic analysis, training, independent product review, and Risk Assessment software. Our specialty is the computer workplace; both cubicle and telecommuter environments. Our expertise is protecting your company's people and profits.

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) is one of the key health and safety issues of our day in the Information Age. Ergonomics are a time tested methodology to improve worker performance and productivity.. And when applied in the computer workplace; ergonomics prevent costly and disabling RSIs like carpal tunnel. Instead of your staff struggling through pain & discomfort..... Instead of your business straining its resources managing RSIs case by case... VDT Solution works with you to create a preventive RSI program and maintain a healthy workplace environment while reducing your costs.

If you are considering purchasing computer workplace equipment/accessories; be sure to checkout our ergonomic product reviews and preferred resources. Here at VDT Solution we do not work for manufacturers on equipment/accessories we recommend. Through our independent focus team site testing we are able to confidently make recommendations. Ultimately these products should make the difference in the health and safety of that individual.

Throughout the year we conduct presentations before various organizations such as computer user groups, Illinois Safety Council, Rush Presbyterian Preventive Medicine, various civic groups, and Call Center & CRM solutions conference. For scheduling information contact our Director of Ergonomic Programs at 708-508-6471. The subject matter can be tailored to your organization's requirements. Subjects in the most demand are Work Different - Work Smart - Work Healthy, Chip Byte: Computer user, and Vision & Computers.

Speaking of Vision & Computers; no other ergonomic source has the experience in vision as it relates to computer operation. Both VDT Solution's staff and our Vision Xperts division are uniquely qualified to address the largest group of complaints by computer users - visual difficulties. Vision Xperts also provides OSHA approved safety eyewear programs. For more details please contact our specialist at 708-686-5266.

VDT Solution offers a complimentary newsletter. Healthy Computing is published quarterly and received by businesses and individuals around the globe. We invite you to visit our current edition and archives for articles on: Human Factors - OSHA - Everyday Challenges - Road Warriors - Innovations - Staying Healthy.

VDT Solution's U.S. office is located at 613 S. 2nd St., St. Charles, Illinois.
Our office is open Monday thru Saturday. You can reach us by phone 708-508-6471 or fax 630-443-4823.



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