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Many of my corrective action and preventive program recommendations include specific area body strengthening exercises. Improving muscleskeltal strength increases you body's endurance, energy, and resiliency to the physical stresses we all endure in the 21st century workplace. Like any athlete - improving your physical condition decreases the likelihood of suffering an injury.

Exercise increases both strength and stamina while helping your body reduce the likelihood of injury. If you want to further limit the possibility of wrist or elbow difficulties while working out - use the curve free weight bars in your gym. The V shape short bars align the hands in such a manner as to reduce the stress on your wrists and
elbows. Bicep curls and triceps extensions can be done safely without being painful or counter productive. This V shaped equipment allows you to gradually increase the amount of weight. You'll maximize your exercise results.

Remember; when doing your repetitions - each rep should bring your muscle to an exhaustion point. The Last rep is more difficult to finish. Using proper technique, muscle fatigue will feel like a burning sensation and last no more than thirty seconds. Muscle injury on the other hand will feel like a sharp pain that doesn't subside.


Before you begin to build your personal exercise program I always suggest consulting with your physician. And make sure you avoid the 9 most common mistakes.....

No stretching to prepare your muscleskeletal system for a comfortable injury free work out

Improper warm-up so muscles, tendons, and nerves are ready for the stresses from the work out

Insufficient fluids interferes with endurance, strength, and recovery from work out

Eating while exercising should be avoided!
Compile a proper diet program to supply your body with fuel to meet the demands of your physical exercise program. The body's dietary requirements vary for the sport.

Improper use of equipment ask a trainer or go to the library to learn the proper techniques
so that you will gain the maximum benefits of your exercising

Leaning on equipment such as a stairmaster places unnecessary stress on muscleskeletal system and disrupts body posture for exercise

Too intense & stresses if not damages parts of your body and actually increases lifting to much the likelihood of an irregular work out programweight

No cool down your body requires a recovery time from the work out stresses

Not enough of in order for your work out to provide the benefits and results time you have to allow the time to do it right.


Fighting workday slump
Duane A. Perkinson
To avoid the dreaded workday slump regular exercise improves your body strength and energy levels. Overall you body's agility, posture, and balance are enhanced. You feel better and look great. My five exercises for you to start your day with follow.

5 Times a week


Sit on floor with legs extended straight out
sit tall & tighten your midsection
reach out your left arm toward your feet and
rotate torso extending your right arm behind you
hold 15 - 30 seconds
then switch

Push ups
make sure your back and derriere are straight

Sit ups
avoid pulling on your neck and head

Shoulder blade pull
Sit with feet flat on the floor - knees bent and torso lowered to thighs
wrap your arms under knees and grasp outside of each thigh with your hands
lean forward and pull up on the backs of your thighs for 30 seconds
release and repeat 2 times

Superman lift
Lie face down - arms & legs extended straight out
keep legs together
make sure your hip bones are in contact with the floor
keep neck long and in alignment with your spine
using back muscles - lift both your legs and arms about 6 inches off the floor
Pretend you're flying like Superman

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Staying Healthy / VDT News

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How Am I doing?
In our last issue we touched on the subject of vitamins and the role they play in your overall health. Too often I encounter individuals who don't regularly consult their doctors to maintain their health. So to help you assess both your visual and physical status; I invite you to discover How Am I doing? We can't diagnose or solve every problem on the phone or by email. But we can assist you in getting started with a reply as to your status and pass along our recommendations so you may resolve any difficulties. So I invite you to our main page and download our free Risk Assessment Software . For your responses please use our new fax number 630-443-4823.